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阅读理解练习纸Guided Reading1-13册 全套736页PDF电子版

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阅读理解练习纸Guided Reading1-13册,由动必乐推荐学习。

Guided Reading是美国中小学阅读课堂上最流行的教学方法。所谓的Guided Reading就是指导性阅读,类似于小组学习,一般由老师指导4-6个孩子,老师根据学生们的实际水平,帮助学生选择适合阅读的书,为学生定制阅读方案,并且在阅读过程中不断进行引导、提问、阐释与评述,进而培养学生的独立阅读能力。
为什么要做Guided Reading?

阅读理解练习纸Guided Reading1-13册 全套736页PDF电子版
提升单词量:老师给孩子们讲解文中的重点单词,帮助孩子从语境中理解单词(vocabulary in context)、了解作者遣词造句的意图(word choice and author’s purpose)、学习修辞要素(rhetorical devices),横向提高单词积累,纵向加深对单词的理解,为读写的全面提升打好基础。

Finally our phonics short stories section is complete with 21 stories to help your child really learn to read. These stories are phonics based which means they focus on specific sounds but also offer a great opportunity to learn words by sight. Here is one great idea for using this section. Choose a story, based on a sound you want to practice. Then turn off the audio and let your child watch. Ask the child simple questions for example:

1- Who are in the story??
2- Which sounds do you often hear??
3- Can you tell the story in your own words??
Next, turn on the audio and let the child hear it being read.
Finally turn off audio again and then pause when words show up. Ask the child to attempt to read the sentences. Can he/she do it? Yeah!
Go out and celebrate – your child is reading.


本资料包括:阅读理解练习纸Guided Reading1-13册 全套736页PDF电子版


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