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[医学pdf下载]Human Physiology_ From Cells to Systems

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《人体生理学》围绕体内平衡的中心主题组织,帮助学生欣赏人体的综合功能。作者Lauralee Sherwood使用清晰、直截了当的语言、类比和频繁的参考日常经验来帮助学生学习和联系生理学概念。生机勃勃的艺术计划和授权的数字资源-包括稳健的3D动画和丰富的家庭作业问题-使学生可视化的重要概念和过程。通过专注于核心原则,并分享她对这一主题的热情,舍伍德帮助学生为未来的课程和健康职业生涯奠定坚实的基础。

Table of contents :
1. Introduction to Physiology and Homeostasis.
2. Cell Physiology.
3. The Plasma Membrane and Membrane Potential.
4. Principles of Neural and Hormonal Communication.
5. The Central Nervous System.
6. The Peripheral Nervous System: Afferent Division; Special Senses.
7. The Peripheral Nervous System: Efferent Division.
8. Muscle Physiology.
9. Cardiac Physiology.
10. The Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure.
11. The Blood.
12. Body Defenses.
13. The Respiratory System.
14. The Urinary System.
15. Fluid and Acid–Base Balance.
16. The Digestive System.
17. Energy Balance and Temperature Regulation.
18. Principles of Endocrinology; The Central Endocrine Glands.
19. The Peripheral Endocrine Glands.
20. The Reproductive System.
Appendix: A Review of Chemical Principles.
Appendix: Text References to Exercise Physiology.
Appendix: Answers to Check Your Understanding, End-of-Chapter Objective Questions, Quantitative Exercises, Points to Ponder, and Clinical Considerations.


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