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Exam Booster with answer key 考试助推器2017版

PET dobefun 3436℃

Exam Booster with answer key 2017,由动必乐(www.dobefun.com)推荐学习。







What is the Exam Booster?
The Exam Booster provides focused exam practice of all parts of the Cambridge English:Preliminary (PET) and Cambridge English:Preliminary (PET) for Schools exam.Prepare your students for the exam, ensuring they gain the confidence,skills and knowledge they need for exam day.
How can I use it?
·Pick and choose the areas you want to practise at any time ·Use alongside a coursebook or on its own;in class or for homework ·Photocopy worksheets for ease of use ·Use it flexibly to best support your students How is it structured?
The Exam Booster contains 15 sections which follow the order of the exam:Reading Parts 1-5,Writing Parts 1-3,Listening Parts 1-4 and finally Speaking Parts 1-4.







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