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FCE考试真题校园版-First for schools 1含音频文件+百度网盘

FCE dobefun 8610℃

FCE考试真题-First for schools 1含音频文件+百度网盘,由动必乐推荐学习。

Introduction This collection of four complete practice tests comprises papers from the Cambridge Englisb:
First for Schools examination;students can practise these tests on their own or with the help of a teacher.
The Cambridge English:First for Schools examination is part of a suite of general English examinations produced by Cambridge English Language Assessment.This suite consists of five examinations that have similar characteristics but are designed for different levels of English language ability.Within the five levels,Cambridge English:First for Schools is at Level B2 in the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:Learning, teaching,assessment.It has been accredited by Ofqual,the statutory regulatory authority in England,at Level 1 in the National Qualifications Framework.The Cambridge English:First for Schools examination is widely recognised in commerce and industry and in individual university faculties and other educational institutions.





剑桥英语:第一次校内考试是剑桥英语语言评估公司(Cambridge English Language Assessment)推出的一套通用英语考试的一部分。这套考试由五种具有相似特征但针对不同水平英语语言能力而设计的考试组成。在五个水平内,剑桥英语:首先是在欧洲委员会共同的欧洲语言参考框架:学习,教学,评估中的B2级。它已经通过了英国法定监管机构Ofqual的认证,在国家资格框架的一级。剑桥英语:学校第一考试在工商界和个别大学院系及其他教育机构得到广泛认可。



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