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The Official SAT Study Guide SAT官方学习指南(2018版)英文原版

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SAT官方学习指南(2018版)英文原版 The Official SAT Study Guide,由动必乐英语网推荐学习。

The 2020 edition of “Official SAT Learning Guide” includes eight official SAT(R) practice tests-all tests are set by the questioner. As part of the commitment of the university committee to transparency, all practice tests can be found on the website of the university committee. However, the official SAT study guide is the only printed version where practice tests can be found, with more than 250 pages of additional guidance, counseling and exam information. With the latest information, guidance and practical problems reflected by readers, this new edition adopts the best-selling SAT guide, making it more relevant and practical.
Get ready for the SAT, and get the exam strategy and the latest information from past candidates.
SAT official study guide will help students prepare for SAT:

* Eight formal SAT practice tests, which use the same process and the same author team to conduct practical tests * Describe mathematics and ability-based reading and writing in detail * Match specific exercise questions for each SAT question type * Paper guidance, including practice paper topics and example answers * Seamless connection with the official SAT practice of Khan College.



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