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A Little Princess 小公主英文版

原版英语小说 dobefun 3449℃

A Little Princess 小公主英文版,由动必乐推荐学习。

Once on a dark winter’s day, when the yellow fog hung so thick and heavy in the streets of London that the lamps were lighted and the shop windows blazed with gas as they do at night, an odd- looking little girl sat in A Little Princess 5/121 A Little Princess a cab with her father and was driven rather slowly through the big thoroughfares.
She sat with her feet tucked under her and leaned against her father who held her in his arm as she stared out of the window at the passing people with a queer old-fashioned thoughtfulness in her big ey She was such a little girl that one did not expect to see such a look on her small face. It would have been an old look for a child of twelve, and Sara Crewe was only seven. The fact was, however, that she was al ways dreaming and thinking odd things and could not herself remember any time when she had not been thinking things about grown-up people and the world they belonged to. She felt as if she had lived a long, long time Crewe. She was thinking of the big ship, of the Lascars passing silently to and fro on it, of the childre At this moment she was remembering the voyage she had just made from Bombay with her father, Capt playing about on the hot deck, and of some young officers wives who used to try to make her talk to them and laugh at the things she said Principally, she was thinking of what a queer thing it was that at one time one was in India in the blazing and then in the middle of the ocean, and then driving in a strange vehicle through strange streets where the day was as dark as the night. She found this so puzzling that she moved closer to her father Papa, “she said in a low, mysterious little voice which was almost a whisper, “papa.

她坐在那里,双脚夹在身下,靠在她父亲的臂弯里,父亲抱着她,她从窗户向外凝视着过往的人们,大眼睛里带着一种奇怪的老式的体贴。她是这样一个小女孩,没想到会在她小小的脸上看到这样的表情。对于一个12岁的孩子来说,这可能是一个陈旧的形象,而莎拉·克鲁只有7岁。然而,事实是,她总是在做梦,想一些奇怪的事情,她自己也不记得什么时候她没有考虑过成年人和他们所属的世界。她觉得自己好像在克鲁生活了很久很久。她想起了那艘大船,想起了在船上默默地来回穿梭的拉斯卡尔夫妇,想起了那个孩子。此刻,她想起了她刚和父亲、船长在炎热的甲板上玩耍时从孟买出发的那次航行,想起了一些年轻军官的妻子,她们总是试图让她和她们说话,嘲笑她说的那些主要的话。 她在想一件多么奇怪的事情,一个人曾经在印度的熊熊烈火中,然后在海洋中,然后开着一辆奇怪的车穿过奇怪的街道,那里白天像夜晚一样黑暗。 她觉得这太令人费解了,于是她向爸爸靠近了一点,”她用一种低低的、神秘的几乎是耳语的声音说道,“爸爸。


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