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《牛津练习语法》Oxford Practice Grammar语法丛书系列-Basic初级

英语语法学习 dobefun 4624℃

《牛津练习语法》Oxford Practice Grammar语法丛书系列,由动必乐提供学习参考

The Oxford Practice Grammar is a series of three books,each written at the right level for you at each stage in your study of English.The series is intended for your use either in a classroom or when working independently in your own time.
The books are divided into units,each of which covers an important grammar topic.Each unit starts with an explanation of the grammar and this is followed by a set of practice exercises.
Tests at the end of each unit or section of units give the opportunity for more practice and enable you to assess how much you have learned.Answers to the exercises and the tests are given at the back of the book.
You may want to choose the order in which you study the grammar topics,perhaps going first to those giving you problems.(Topics are listed in the Contents page at the front of each book and in the Index at the back.)Alternatively you may choose to start at the beginning of each book and work through to the end.
An interactive CD-ROM is included at each of the three levels,offering alternative ways to practise.You can recognize and correct written mistakes,and you can also take part in spoken dialogues; you can record and listen to your own voice and learn to speak more naturally.





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